Christmas Greetings and Office Closure

From all the trainers and assistants at Teamwork Dogs, we would like to wish our clients and their dogs a very happy and safe Christmas. We look forward to working with you in 2020.


Reliability & Stability class and Christmas break up – Saturday 14th December 7:30am – 8:30am

Please join us for a free class and fruit breakfast. We will take a collection for Animal Welfare League in lieu of class fees.

Prizes for “best” human Christmas outfit.

7:30am class resumes on Saturday 18th January.


Our final classes for 2019 will be Sunday 1st December.

7:30am class resumes on Sunday 19th January.

Office closure dates

The office will be closed from Friday 20th December until Monday 6th January 2020.

Image by Spiritze from Pixabay
